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S.4361 The Border Act of 2024

Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) introduced and sponsored The Border Act of 2024 (S.4361) on May 16, 2024. The bill was intended to enhance U.S. border security and combat fentanyl trafficking.

One of the main provisions of the bill is emergency appropriations for this fiscal year. The bill would allocate funds for the Executive Office for Immigration Review to hire additional immigration judges and provide legal representation for vulnerable migrants.

Additionally, it would improve asylum processing procedures and set limits on border entries, giving the Department of Homeland Security authority to expedite deportations if a certain number of border encounters are recorded.

Finally, the bill seeks to address the ongoing fentanyl crisis by offering additional resources to combat fentanyl trafficking.

Despite widespread support, the bill faced opposition. Notably, former President Trump unofficially opposed the legislation. On May 23rd this year, a cloture vote—a method of ending debate and forcing a vote on legislation—failed with 43 senators in favor and 50 opposed.

As immigration remains a contentious subject in modern American politics, debate about this bill is expected to continue.

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