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H.R.9821 Forage Fish Conservation Act of 2024

Representative Debbie Dingell (DI-MI-6) introduced and sponsored the Forage Fish Conservation Act of 2024 with a cosponsor on September 25, 2024. It was later referred to the House Committee on Natural Resources. The bill aims to improve the management and protection of forage fish, which are small species like herring and sardines that play a critical role in marine ecosystems as prey.

This legislation builds on the current Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act by tasking the Secretary of Commerce with developing a science-based definition of "forage fish" for consistent management and metrics across fisheries.

Additionally, before authorizing new commercial fisheries for forage fish, the potential impacts on existing fisheries, ecosystems, and communities must be considered. Fishery management would also be required to account for the dietary needs of predators that depend on forage fish for prey.

Finally, the bill prioritizes research on forage fish and mandates scientific advice integration into fishery and wildlife management.

The Act has garnered widespread support from environmental and fishing organizations.

*Special provisions are included for the conservation and management of river herring and shad, which are crucial forage species in certain regions.